We've identified 4 levels of conversational fluency in Spanish Con Salsa, each with its own learning plan:

  1. Conversation Starter 
  2. Basic Conversationalist
  3. Confident Conversationalist 
  4. Master Conversationalist 

We encourage new members and beginners to start at Level 1: Conversation Starter. You’ll be reviewing the basic fundamentals of the Spanish language in addition to learning new vocabulary through music and practicing speaking every week.

If you feel confident about introducing yourself in Spanish and speaking for at least 5 minutes without using any English, you may start at Level 2: Basic Conversationalist.

If you’ve had a 30-minute conversation with a native Spanish speaker in the last 90 days without using any English, you may start at Level 3: Confident Conversationalist.

To help you make the best decision, I recommend taking a look at the Getting Started with the Spanish Fluency Club course, specifically Step 3: Choose Your Learning Plan. It outlines what you’ll learn at each level and provides guidance on the milestones you need to achieve before progressing.

Click here to view your current progress.